8 Most Powerful Types of Video for Businesses
Why is video such a big deal for business?
If you’ve got a business, then you’re selling something.
If you’re selling something, then you want to get the attention of customers.
Now that we’ve got the obvious out of the way, we can start answering the big question: why video?
Using video as a part of your marketing strategy is a great way to connect with your audience, build authenticity, reach more people and increase your search rankings. Towards the end of 2020, MonsterInsights made two important findings:
- 43% of online consumers want businesses to post more video content.
- Videos increase the conversion rate on landing pages by 86%.
People are spending more time online than ever, and more time watching videos than ever. It’s a trend that business owners ignore at their own peril.

What’s meant by ‘video marketing’?
Video or animation marketing is used to raise awareness, quickly educate potential customers on your brand, reach new customers and drive sales. Just like every other marketing campaign, video marketing should be carefully considered and targeted to create conversions.
We won’t lie: making a really high quality video takes effort, but with the right video production service agency, you’ll end up with a fantastic product that shows your brand personality, as well as forming the core of your marketing efforts.
Tips for running a successful video marketing campaign
Before embarking on your video marketing campaign, it’s important to consider:
- Your target market.
- Your intended message.
- The type of video you want to create (YouTube marketing ads, testimonials, etc.)
- Your most valuable platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
- Your KPIs (how you will measure the success of your campaign).
Remember: if you’re creating a video for marketing, then you need to check a few extra boxes. Some helpful points to remember:
- Make sure your video can be understood without sound. Subtitles, title cards and very clear visuals are vital in helping social media scrollers understand your message.
- Make sure it’s mobile friendly! Half of all web traffic worldwide is now on mobile.
- Your video has to lead the viewer through the process: catching their attention, all the way through to a strong call to action.
8 Types of Business Video
What is a testimonial video? This is a piece of content in which a client praises the products or services of a business. Testimonial videos help to position your brand as reliable and trustworthy, which in turn drives sales and conversions.
Trust is a big issue, and video testimonials are an authentic way to prove that you can offer real value.
Brand Video
Adding a brand video to the landing page of your website is a great way to personify your brand, while also showcasing your company’s mission, products and services. Brand videos are often created as a part of a larger marketing campaign.
A corporate video conveys a similar message to a brand video, but in a more professional and formal way. Corporate videos can be used as a marketing tool, as well as a source of information for internal and external stakeholders, employees and clients.
Explainer videos give your audience a better understanding of your product or service, including how it will help them. If you’re wondering how to make an explainer video, decide what information your customer needs in order to make a purchase or get in touch, and plan accordingly.
Social / Youtube
A social video is any short video content that attracts a wide audience. Social videos are often funny, encouraging people to share. When looking to create a social video, it helps to have a chat with someone who specialises in YouTube video marketing services to ensure your content is exciting, engaging and highly shareable.
Animation marketing is one of the most popular ways to convey difficult-to-understand information to an audience. Digital marketing animated videos are successful in both 2D and 3D formats, depending on the product and the idea that needs to be explained.
These can be used in three ways: to teach potential customers a new skill, show customers how to get the most out of your product or service, or ensure that all your employees are up-to-date on internal business practices. These videos help to position your business as a helpful and credible source of information.
TVCs/Cinema Ads
Television commercials (TVCs) and cinema ads are a great way to promote your brand to a national audience. Impactful and with a huge reach, they help to strengthen the positive qualities associated with your business, while helping to build trust and boost sales.
How to Get Started with Business Video?
If you’re looking for a video that’ll become a visual showcase of your greatest strengths, you’ll need a video team that has both the skills to make it happen, and the understanding to know what to highlight.
Any video production company should be asking the big questions:
- What are your strengths?
- What does your business want to achieve?
- How and where will the video be used?
Video is incredibly powerful, but if your creative team doesn’t get to know you, your business and what drives you to succeed, then you can end up with more style than substance.
Before you start any business video project, know two things: your goals, and what makes you unique!
Some Obligatory Self Promotion…
Yep – SBM has a Video team.
We said it. Everyone can relax.
We could go on about how amazingly creative, responsive, understanding and professional we are…but we think our case studies speak for themselves.
They’re also way more fun to browse.