The project
Financial jargon and stigma broken down by an honest, open and personal Ashfords corporate video.
The puzzle
Ashfords, the largest accounting and advisory firm in Melbourne’s south east, was looking for a polished company video to be placed front and centre on their website. This would be targeted at audiences who had heard the Ashfords name, but wanted to know more. They were honest about accounting often being considered overwhelming and confusing to potential customers. The goal of the video shifted to building trust, increasing transparency and letting people know that Ashfords were relaxed and approachable, as well as professionals with a wealth of expertise.
The solution
The SBM video team decided to focus on a grounded portrayal of Ashfords: their personality and their people. A large amount of time was spent learning about the firm to gain an understanding of what sets them and their unique message apart, with the aim of avoiding the negative stereotype of ‘suits and jargon’. Getting the talent (the Ashfords team) to act naturally on camera was as simple as some friendly banter before the interview, which allowed the interviews to feel honest and relatable.

The results
The video was incredibly successful in smashing through the stigma surrounding accountants, communicating their message clearly but with an edge that engages viewers. From the very first draft until the end, Ashfords were extremely impressed with how the video captured their brand voice, and the warmth and personality of their team. The video is featured on the homepage of their website, allowing visitors to get a feel for the heart of Ashfords as a business right from the get-go.