
The Project
National pilots’ union receives a new and fresh brand image to expand their member base.
The Puzzle
Established in 1938, the Australian Federation of Air Pilots (AFAP) is a long-standing association for commercial pilots in Australia, championing the highest standards of flight safety and representing the professional interests of members. The organisation’s logo was long overdue for an update to reflect their true identity, professionalism and relevance in the contemporary world, and they approached SBM for a redesign. A key challenge was reworking the existing bird logo, bringing this symbol up to date with a clean, contemporary and professional aesthetic that suited the organisation’s esteemed legacy.
The Solution
SBM’s Design team worked with the client to hone in on a design concept, from development all the way to a full brand identity. The final logo design would feature a stylised flying falcon, updating and building upon the former bird imagery to convey a sense of legacy and professionalism. The streamlined, professional logo design was supported by a branding guide and associated print collateral for use by the client.

The results
The redesign provided AFAP with an impressive, cutting-edge logomark that clearly communicates their professional identity. This has been a valuable starting point for reestablishing a positive brand image, both publicly and within the organisation. The strong visual identity helped AFAP to increase their membership, while the logo and fresh branding continue to be the face of the organisation, representing the association as one of quality and value within the world of aviation.