City of Greater Dandenong
The project
SBM creates a fun and engaging animated video for local city council, extolling the virtues of sustainability.
The puzzle
The City of Greater Dandenong serves a vibrant and highly diverse community in southeastern Melbourne, with a vision to be one of Australia’s most sustainable cities by 2030. To help achieve this goal, they were seeking a series of three animated videos touching on vital sustainability issues. The videos needed to be accessible across an incredibly diverse audience of different language and cultural backgrounds, so a high degree of clarity was required across all messaging. They also needed to be fun and engaging for a wide range of ages.
The solution
SBM’s video team delivered three animated videos, aimed at engaging audiences across many different walks of life. Before the project started in earnest, a great deal of time was spent learning from the Dandenong City Council to develop a full understanding of their local community. Rather than a conventional ‘explainer’ format, it was decided that the videos would take the form of a conversation between two characters. This enabled the use of informal, easy-to-understand everyday language. Recurring characters ‘Syd and Monkey’ were created to develop a sense of familiarity.

The results
The resulting videos clearly communicate the core issues via quirky, fun conversations and vibrant animation. Syd and Monkey are able to communicate vital topics, backed by engaging, head-turning visuals and creating a rapport with audiences that strengthens the council’s overarching sustainability strategy. Syd and Monkey now have a dedicated sustainability education page on the City of Greater Dandenong’s website. The hosted videos remain highly relevant both as information resources and engaging content.