Smarter marketing. Smarketing.
Tailor made.
Data driven. Versatile.
Marketing with style
and substance. Show me more...
Your brand in motion.
Creating the most
engaging and compelling
video since your wedding
tape. It was beautiful.
We’re not crying.
You’re crying. Show me more...
Look like you mean it.
Creating stunning visuals
and innovative designs
outside the box.
Actually, there is no box.
Or is there…? Show me more...
Smart tools. Smart tech.
Delivering digital
masterpieces from
the ground up.
Absolutely no hacking
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A1 Office – Company Video

Creating the perfect company videoB2B Services

The project

Australia’s foremost providers of office fitouts receive a polished company video that perfectly captures their expertise and company values.

The puzzle

A1 Office specialises in transforming office and retail spaces across a massive range of projects and sizes. The came to the SBM video team looking for a piece of video content that would capture their expertise, experience and- most importantly- their core values as a company, as opposed to a simple, ‘flashy’ portfolio of their past work. The finished product had to communicate all of this in an engaging way, to a time-poor audience. It also had to perform well across their various social channels.


The solution

Time was specially set aside in the planning phase to ensure that the message of the video would be perfectly in line with A1’s company values and existing brand elements. A down-the-barrel filming technique was chosen to properly showcase A1 Office’s portfolio. Exceptional individual aspects were then highlighted using on-screen motion graphics, custom made to mesh with the client’s website graphics. The end result was a polished brand video that would represent A1 Office across multiple platforms, and would also serve as a valuable marketing asset.

The results

The client was ecstatic with how the SBM video team were able to encapsulate the spirit of A1 Office in the finished video. As a result, they commissioned further video assets from the existing footage, commenting that the shots were the perfect representation of their portfolio, brand and company values. Along with the final delivered asset, video is now an integral part of A1 Office’s marketing strategy going forward.


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Smarter marketing. Smarketing.
Tailor made.
Data driven. Versatile.
Marketing with style
and substance. Show me more...
Your brand in motion.
Creating the most
engaging and compelling
video since your wedding
tape. It was beautiful.
We’re not crying.
You’re crying. Show me more...
Look like you mean it.
Creating stunning visuals
and innovative designs
outside the box.
Actually, there is no box.
Or is there…? Show me more...
Smart tools. Smart tech.
Delivering digital
masterpieces from
the ground up.
Absolutely no hacking
required. Show me more...