A1 Office

The project
Smart, agile and flexible marketing helps A1 Office find clients and conversions online.
The puzzle
As one of Australia’s largest and most trusted office design companies, A1 Office transforms workspaces across the country through their collaborative, creative approach. They approached SBM to help generate more leads through the A1 Office website, and to better leverage their online presence to find their ideal clients. SBM adopted a strategic, multi-faceted approach that involved a joint campaign of both SEO and AdWords, building a long-term authority through SEO but still allowing for flexibility of focus through the AdWords campaign.
The solution
To reach large audiences of potential clients, SBM created a list of all keywords related to A1 Office. The SBM marketing team used smart keyword research to identify the very best keywords from a range of different sources. Meanwhile, the SBM design team created a suite of brand-compliant remarketing banners to drive traffic to the strengthened A1 Office website. The newly created brand video and banner design further showcased the client to new and existing users alike, across both Google and YouTube.

The results
Since the campaign’s inception, A1 Office has experienced a massive increase in online visibility, through both keyword rankings and organic traffic. The supporting AdWords, remarketing and YouTube campaigns have helped to solidify the A1 Office brand in the minds of visitors and potential clients. Related A1 Office keywords have improved by over nine hundred places, with over thirty of these keywords on the first page of results. Comparing the past six months to the six-month period just prior, A1 Office has experienced an almost forty percent increase in conversions.