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tape. It was beautiful.
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Reports Show a Highly Positive Future for Australian eCommerce

2 February 2021

The future is looking bright for Australia’s eCommerce industry, with reports indicating that consumers are turning towards online retailers in massive numbers.


Australia and New Zealand’s eCommerce industry grew by 107% in the latter half of 2020, showing that businesses were both willing to adapt to digital and consumers were absolutely ready to embrace shopping online.


So what do these changes mean for Australian eCommerce? With companies across the board increasing their online advertising, it’s now more important than ever to stay competitive in the digital space.


Reports indicate that- despite lifting lockdowns across Australia- eCommerce has shown no signs of slowing. Shopping online is here to stay, meaning that brands will need to constantly look for ways to innovate and adapt based on the massive amounts of new online customers.

Smarter marketing. Smarketing.
Tailor made.
Data driven. Versatile.
Marketing with style
and substance. Show me more...
Your brand in motion.
Creating the most
engaging and compelling
video since your wedding
tape. It was beautiful.
We’re not crying.
You’re crying. Show me more...
Look like you mean it.
Creating stunning visuals
and innovative designs
outside the box.
Actually, there is no box.
Or is there…? Show me more...
Smart tools. Smart tech.
Delivering digital
masterpieces from
the ground up.
Absolutely no hacking
required. Show me more...